
guest noun \’gest\ : a person who spends some time at another person’s home in some social activity, as a visit, dinner or party

Jesus Be a… has been graciously invited to be a guest (blogger) today! We are humbled by the opportunity and excitedly invite you to spend some time, with us, over @ Your Stylist, Karen.

As we visit with Your Stylist, Karen, lets charge ourselves to be increasingly intentional in who we are seeking to spend time with each day, and inviting into our personal space.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you… James 4:8 (NKJV)



…Presidential Advisor

Yesterday, and the weeks leading up to Election Day, Americans chose to rock the vote in record numbers. Many (dare I say, all of us) were glued to the television and the Internet last night, in anticipation of which candidate would receive those coveted 270 electoral votes.

Now, we know that President Barack Obama has been reelected to lead this Nation for the next four years. As Mr. President joyfully presented his victory speech, he accepted the continued privilege of leadership and proclaimed that “We’ve got more work to do,” and “the best is yet to come”.

While my husband and I stood in line to vote yesterday, our neighbor asked “Where were you 4 years ago? How much has changed?”. In a state of reflection, we were astounded by our answer. We uttered “We did not know one another 4 years ago; we lived and voted in Maryland 4 years ago;” and introspectively recalled how amazingly God has moved in our lives.

Regardless of who you voted for;  and regardless of how you feel about President Obama, the fact that Democrats hold the power of the Senate or that Republicans hold the power of the House of Representatives, we all have the responsibility to move forward. We have the  benefit to walk into a season where “the best is yet to come”, and will be able to reflect on how amazingly God continues to move in our lives and in the USA over the next 1, 2, 3, 4+ years.

Just as we exercised our right responsibility to vote and chose our President in this 2012 Election, let us acknowledge the favor and power that we have, in our relationship with the Lord, to cover our President in prayer. In the reality of it all, President Barack Obama has been called to be a leader of millions, and God clarifies that he has not been called to do so in his own human power or will.

The king’s [president’s] heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: He turneth it whithersoever He will. Proverbs 21:1


Jesus is not a Republican. Jesus is not a Democrat. Jesus isn’t even an American. Yet, Jesus is All, a Mighty Counselor and He knows the plans He has for us and the United States of America.

As the difference in this world, please join SH. and I in continually praying for our President, his family and his course of actions in leading this Country with a heart directed by the Lord.  Mitt Romney’s praying for President Obama. Why shouldn’t we?

Jesus, be a Presidential Advisor.


…An Ampersand

I [God] am the truth & the way
(John 14:6)

A few months ago I listened to a sermon by Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church, titled “He’s Big Enough for Both: Dumb Dichotomies.” The premise of the sermon was that humans; so feeble in our knowledge and understanding of God, often limit Him by putting him in a box. Pastor Furtick explored that we often say that if God is one thing, how is it possible for him to be the other. For example, how can God be one if He is triune. The fact remains that God can be both. All throughout the bible we see descriptions of God and if we open our hearts we can see how expansive He is. We can also see how expansive the gifts He gives are:

His grace & mercy.

His love & justice.

His truth & light.

I have admittedly put God in a box. A Tiffany blue box–if you will. I have said mundane prayers. “God be with me.” I wonder if God shook his head saying, “My child, I never left.” I have walked in medicore faith, settling for just living without trying to upset God. I like to think of it as tip-toe Christianity: read your bible, try not to sin, say your prayers and treat people well. This year I challenged myself to walk into a season of “Greater.” In this season I wanted more for my life, more for myself than what I’ve experienced and have been reduced to because of external situations. Because God is so loving He has held me accountable to what I prayed that I walk into–greater. At every level of my life I am being pushed out of my comfort zone. This required me opening my Spiritual eyes to seeing & believing that God is big enough for my dreams. It’s been an amazing & sometimes scary ride. But, I am encouraged. You should be encouraged too! Give God all of your dreams & open your heart to receive all of who He is.

If I have learned nothing else about our big, beautiful and amazing God is that He will meet you exactly where you are & (then some).

Written by SH. @ Shakirah Adianna