About JBA

Calling on Jesus to be some random, inanimate object was initially a running joke with Shakirah. Jesus be a brush because my hair is a mess right now.” “I’m hangry (so hungry, I’m on the verge of being angry). Jesus be an all you can eat buffet!” You get the point.

Since beginning Jesus Be A… (JBA) blog in April 2012, the proclamation of “JBA” has become a realization of Him in everything; a keen eye, an open heart and an ear tuned to who He is in each moment, every thought, every encounter and in every place.

Here, Shekea simply documents life with Christ and the ways He reveals Himself in her everyday. Some of it will be funny. Some of it will be thought provoking. All of it will be about Him.

Jesus be a center of attention.

15 thoughts on “About JBA

  1. This is so incredibly awesome!!! I am in awe. I look forward to seeing all the fruit this will bear!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. Hey there! I stumbled across your blog on Facebook today… Thank God for social media, ehh? I absolutely miss the spirit of GCC and lovely people like yourself. Congrats on what looks like an awesome blog — such a creative way to share your faith walk with others.

    • Regina!! I am so thrilled to be reconnected! Thanks so much for your encouragement. Looking forward, with you! Thank you for your support.

  3. I really enjoyed reading some of the messages posted on this site very inspiring words of encouragement definitely when people are going through ups and downs. Thanks

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